Random House German-English English-German Dictionary

Second Edition

Author Anne Dahl
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Mass Market Paperback
$7.99 US
4.18"W x 6.68"H x 1.15"D  
On sale Jun 29, 1997 | 640 Pages | 978-0-345-41439-7

More than 60,000 entries, including the most common meanings
Two sections, German-English and English-German
All entries, from A to Z, in a single alphabetical listing
American English spellings and vocabulary
Hundreds of new words, including byte, CD-Spieler, Europaparlament, and Informatile
Grammatical information
Pronunciation clearly explained

The Random House imprint has long stood for excellence in the reference field. Random House reference books--prepared by its permanent lexicographic staff with the assistance of many hundreds of scholars, educators, and specialists--have been widely acclaimed for their outstanding quality and usefulness.
Anne Dahl teaches German at the Deutsches Haus at New York University. She has worked on dictionaries and other languages material for Knopf and other publishers. View titles by Anne Dahl



More than 60,000 entries, including the most common meanings
Two sections, German-English and English-German
All entries, from A to Z, in a single alphabetical listing
American English spellings and vocabulary
Hundreds of new words, including byte, CD-Spieler, Europaparlament, and Informatile
Grammatical information
Pronunciation clearly explained

The Random House imprint has long stood for excellence in the reference field. Random House reference books--prepared by its permanent lexicographic staff with the assistance of many hundreds of scholars, educators, and specialists--have been widely acclaimed for their outstanding quality and usefulness.


Anne Dahl teaches German at the Deutsches Haus at New York University. She has worked on dictionaries and other languages material for Knopf and other publishers. View titles by Anne Dahl

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