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A Most Remarkable Creature

The Hidden Life of the World's Smartest Birds of Prey

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$21.00 US
6"W x 9"H x 0.8"D  
On sale Feb 22, 2022 | 400 Pages | 9781101911549
Grades 9-12 + AP/IB

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Here is an enthralling account of the clever, social birds of prey called caracaras, which puzzled Darwin, fascinate modern-day falconers, and carry secrets of our planet's deep past in their family history.

In 1833, Charles Darwin was astonished by an animal he met in the Falkland Islands: handsome, social, and oddly crow-like falcons that were “tame and inquisitive . . . quarrelsome and passionate,” and so insatiably curious that they stole hats, compasses, and other valuables from the crew of the Beagle. Darwin wondered why these birds were confined to remote islands at the tip of South America, sensing a larger story, but he set this mystery aside and never returned to it.
Almost two hundred years later, Jonathan Meiburg takes up this chase. He takes us through South America, from the fog-bound coasts of Tierra del Fuego to the tropical forests of Guyana, in search of these birds: striated caracaras, which still exist, though they’re very rare. He reveals the wild, fascinating story of their history, origins, and possible futures. And along the way, he draws us into the life and work of William Henry Hudson, the Victorian writer and naturalist who championed caracaras as an unsung wonder of the natural world, and to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving. A Most Remarkable Creature is a hybrid of science writing, travelogue, and biography, as generous and accessible as it is sophisticated, and absolutely riveting.

“In his fascinating debut book, ornithologist and indie rocker Jonathan Meiburg writes about his journeys in search of the elusive bird, and the changes that threaten its future. You don’t have to know the first thing about birds to be drawn into this beautifully written, enchanting book.” —Michael Schaub, NPR
“Utterly captivating and beautifully written, this book is a hugely entertaining and enlightening exploration of a bird so wickedly smart, curious, and social, it boggles the mind.” —Jennifer Ackerman, author of The Bird Way

“A fascinating, entertaining, and totally engrossing story of these under-appreciated birds, deftly intertwining natural history and human history, and with insights and lessons that go far beyond the subject birds.” —David Sibley, author of What It's Like to Be a Bird

“Caracaras are not like other birds, or even other birds of prey. Curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent, the ten species of caracara are a scientific puzzle that has intrigued biologists since the days of Darwin. And this book—as curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent as its subject—is not like any other book that I have encountered. A Most Remarkable Creature is not only about a bird, but about the community of people that has formed, almost accidentally, around the bird, and beyond that about humankind itself.” —Charles C. Mann, author of 1491

“If caracaras were able to read—and immersing myself in Mr. Meiburg’s vivid prose I sometimes fancied they just might be—this book would give them a lot of information about that exceptional creature named Jonathan Meiburg.” —Christoph Irmscher, Wall Street Journal

“Like travel itself, A Most Remarkable Creature is more journey than destination. While Meiburg seems disinclined toward environmental preaching, he does want to ignite our curiosity. The book elegantly reminds us that we cheat ourselves when we underestimate creatures we have deemed low, annoying or common.” —Karen Sandstrom, The Washington Post

“Meiburg’s voice is poetic; where other nature writers are known for the images they paint of landscapes, here are presented impressions, concepts as complex as species’ movements over geologic time, in a way that is at once clear and beautiful.” —Anna Morris,

“Gorgeously written and sophisticated, Jonathan Meiburg’s book about a wickedly clever falcon will move readers to protect this truly remarkable creature.” —BookPage, “Best Nonfiction of 2021”

“To call this a bird book would be like calling Moby-Dick a whaling manual. . . . Meiburg’s book is full of good seeing and the good writing that comes from it.” —Sam Hodges, Dallas Morning News

“Meiburg is an enormously skilled writer, and even if you’ve never heard of striated caracaras, you're likely to be drawn in by his enthusiasm and elegant prose.” —Michael Schaub, Star Tribune

A Most Remarkable Creature is much more than a scientific profile. It is a grand intellectual adventure involving dinosaurs, DNA, naturalists, exploration and survival. Meiburg is a gifted storyteller, and one can't help but fall under the same spell he did.” —Lauren O’Brien, Shelf Awareness

“Meiburg lodges the caracara so deeply in readers’ hearts that by the end of the book, they will feel ready to participate in whatever scheme he proposes to save this peculiar dinosaur-descendant.” —Anna Spydell, BookPage (starred review)

“Meiburg elevates himself to the top ranks of science writers with this enthralling debut. . . . Meiburg’s evocative prose will bring armchair naturalists into the wild with him.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“An ambitious, impressive debut. The book’s manifold strands will engage all sorts of readers, including bird lovers, science buffs, and eco-adventure fans.” —Robert Eagan, Library Journal (starred review)

“Meiburg’s enthusiasm [for the caracaras] matches Darwin’s, and readers will share it. . . . Not only a fine writer, the author is clearly an adventurer, and he devotes entertaining chapters to treks into the high Andes and South American jungles in search of other caracara species. . . . [A] wholly captivating natural history.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“In this wonderful combination of travelogue (it makes one want to visit the Falklands), history of science (Henry Hudson was quite the naturalist), and natural history, the reader will meet a bird of prey that . . . [is] truly the most mischievous of all feathered creation.” —Nancy Bent, Booklist (starred review)

“More than anything else, rock musician Jonathan Meiburg’s book A Most Remarkable Creature . . . seems so attuned to the personalities, intelligences, and feelings of the animals he encounters. . . . It’s a humble, grateful book, full of wonderful ornithological knowledge.” —Olivia Rutigliano, Lit Hub

“Astonishing. . . . It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.” —Elisa Shoenberger, Book Riot

“Abounding with intriguing characters and too-close-for-comfort wildlife encounters, the book is an enrapturing tale about the unfolding evolutionary drama of our planet.” —Corryn Wetzel, Audubon

“With striking prose and talon-sharp wit, the book delivers on [Meiburg’s] lofty ambitions. After reading it, I found myself looking at birds differently, as well as the world at large and humans’ relationship to it.” —Bryan C. Parker, Texas Monthly

“Meiburg’s writing possesses that rare, and very readable, ability to tread surely between the studious and the conversational. . . . The feeling one is left with is of having spent a rather wonderful evening in the company of someone both extremely knowledgeable and at ease with that knowledge.” —Will Burns, Caught by the River

“[Meiburg] takes readers from the fog-bound coasts of the Falklands to tropical forests in Guyana to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving.” —Matt Mendenhall, Bird Watching Daily

“Jonathan Meiburg vividly brings to life not only a nearly shaman-like character—the striated caracara—but also the world that opens when you look at the raptor. It’s a riveting work of natural history, human exploration, and evolutionary detection.” —Michael S. Hopkins, Christian Science Monitor

“[Meiburg] takes our known world and spins it on its head, revealing complexities and wonders about not just the field of ornithology, but the planet and humankind as well so that we might be inspired to continue seeking out the unknowns in order to discover something new.” —Miyako Pleines, Chicago Audubon Society

“Like any good book about a single bird species, this one combines adventure, travel, mystery and science.” —Jim Williams, Minneapolis Star Tribune

“This book is an evolutionary labyrinth, taking Meiburg to the end of the world following a single, curious predator. Vivid, beautiful, and scientifically rich, crawling with jungle ants, blasted by Antarctic winds, his tales will transport you from the page to wilder places.” —Craig Childs, author of Atlas of a Lost World

A Most Remarkable Creature does what only the very best science and nature writing can. Jonathan Meiburg reminds us that our world is not fully known, that the prehistoric walk among us, and, most of all, how exciting and unnerving it feels to encounter an animal you’ve never seen before, and, even more, to find that animal staring right back.” —Steven Rinella, author of American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon

“A rich, sprawling romp through time and far-flung, fabulous spaces, in pursuit of one of Earth’s most enigmatic, engaging, and shrewdest creatures.” —Alan Weisman, author of Countdown

“I’m in love with this book. If you like great writing, strange historical twists, adventure, nature, music and/or birds this will quickly become one of your all-time favorite books.” —Laurie Anderson, artist

“What a remarkable feat: taking a mysterious, oddly social, keenly intelligent bird of prey that most of the world has never heard of and animating the creature with such beauty that it comes fully alive in our imaginations. Jonathan Meiburg went on an equatorial search for the latter-day descendants of the age-old caracara and brought back—a little like Darwin himself—travel report, documentary, biography, social history, scientific treatise. And all of it so wonderfully readable.” —Paul Hendrickson, author of Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost
© Jenna Moore
In 1997, Jonathan Meiburg received a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to travel to remote communities around the world, a year-long journey that sparked his enduring fascination with islands, birds, and the deep history of the living world. Since then, he's written reviews, features, and interviews for print and online publications including The Believer, The Talkhouse, and The Appendix on subjects ranging from a hidden exhibit hall at the American Museum of Natural History to the last long-form interview with author Peter Matthiessen. But he's best known as the leader of the band Shearwater, whose albums and performances have often been praised by NPR, The New York Times, The Guardian, and Pitchfork. He lives in central Texas. View titles by Jonathan Meiburg
An Unanswered Question
It’s the turning of the Earth that spins the winds around Antarc­tica. The same force that curls hurricanes into deadly spirals gath­ers cold gales descending from the South Pole, where ice entombs entire mountain ranges, and launches them into a west-flowing moat of air that piles the seas into waves seven stories tall, shutting out the warmer world to the north. There’s nothing to oppose them: sail a boat forever along the sixty-third parallel and you’d never see anything but black-and-white water, the spouts of whales, and the careening shapes of albatrosses skidding down the air on eleven-foot wings, a churning world that’s our planet’s most enduring scene.
But this endless polar cyclone frays along its northern border, where rogue winds peel off into the great oceanic basins—Indian, Pacific, Atlantic—and Atlantic-bound gusts first strike the green world in the fjords and islands of Tierra del Fuego, where the Andes march into the sea. The winds fling plumes of wet sand against glacially sculpted cliffs and prune dripping forests of evergreen beeches into bizarre shapes—forests that are, in a way, the winds’ making, since their fierce chill forces warm air traveling south from the Amazon to drop its hoarded water. Tierra del Fuego’s wooded slopes and valleys are carpeted in mosses, ferns, and sundew, its trees draped in pale wisps of old-man’s beard; and where its forests meet the sea, flightless sea ducks and giant otters shelter in a labyrinth of coves, inlets, and cobbled beaches that seem freshly carved from the bedrock of the world.
Charles Darwin saw these southernmost forests in the early months of his adventure aboard HMS Beagle and thought their grandeur rivaled the tropical woodlands that blew his mind in Brazil. But “in these still solitudes,” he noted, “death, instead of life, is the predominant spirit.” Without ants or termites to mill them down, Tierra del Fuego’s dead trees stand and lie beside the living for years, and crow-sized woodpeck­ers knock splinters from their trunks with the dull thunk of hatchets. Even now, when you can fly the length of Darwin’s five-year odyssey in two days, Tierra del Fuego’s fog-bound channels are seldom visited, largely inaccessible, and since the demise of the Amerindians who lived there for thousands of years, unpeopled. Ships occasionally use them to shelter from the mighty Pacific swells, but almost no one lingers.
Nor do the winds. Soaring over the low crests of the southern Andes, they beat north and east to glance off the unclimbed peaks of Isla de los Estados, where Jules Verne imagined a lighthouse at the end of the world, and bend the dry grasses on the plains of Patagonia. Then they go to sea again, dragging a train of whitecaps to soften and die in the tropics. But as they leave the high latitudes, they graze a last spot of land—a cluster of treeless, wasp-waisted islands in the northwest cor­ner of the Falkland archipelago called the Jasons. And it’s here, in the lee of fallen boulders and tufts of grass, that a hidden marvel huddles out of the wind’s reach: one of the strangest and most wonderful ani­mals on earth.
It didn’t stay hidden from Darwin, but it took him by surprise in a place he was impatient to leave. The Beagle and its companion, HMS Adventure, called in at the Falklands twice before threading through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific, and Darwin thought the islands’ brown, undulating moorlands looked “desolate and wretched,” espe­cially compared to the Brazilian forests where it was “not possible to give an adequate idea of the higher feelings of wonder, astonishment, and devotion, which fill and elevate the mind.” The Falklands’ monoto­nous landscape, broken only by a few low mountains and ridges of gra­nitic quartz, suggested none of these feelings. “I can very plainly see,” he confided in a letter to his sister, “there will not be much pleasure or contentment, till we get out of these detestable latitudes & are carrying on all sail to the land where Bananas grow.”
It can be hard to picture Darwin as anything but a white-bearded ancient with a thousand-yard stare, but when the Beagle left England he was only twenty-two, a rich kid with an assured future as a coun­try priest. He’d been invited aboard as much to keep the ship’s mel­ancholy young captain company as to advance the cause of science, and his unpaid role as a naturalist was incidental to the ship’s official mission of mapping the treacherous coasts at the southern tip of South America. Darwin’s only real qualification was an undistinguished bachelor’s degree from Cambridge, where he often devoted more time to the upper-class pastimes of riding and shooting than to his studies, and even his best reference conceded he was not “finished”; he was simply an amiable and wealthy young man with a growing interest in rocks and insects, a yen for adventure, and a quality his uncle fondly described as an “enlarged curiosity.”
The Beagle’s five-year voyage, Darwin knew, would let him indulge this curiosity in places few naturalists had ever seen; and after convinc­ing his reluctant father to pay his way, young Charles resolved to wring all he could from these years of freedom—even on cold, barren islands that left him pining for the tropics. Riding and shooting, as it happened, were useful skills in the Falklands, whose human population consisted of a single British officer and the remnants of a failed Argentine penal colony. Among the former prisoners were a contingent of gauchos, the legendary horsemen of the Pampas, who liked to chase feral cattle across the islands’ waterlogged peatlands, and Darwin convinced a pair of them to take him along on one of their excursions.
For five days, they rode at a gallop through blinding squalls of snow and ice, dodging fierce bulls who weren’t pleased to see them, sleep­ing on the bare ground, roasting their suppers of wild beef on fires stoked with bones instead of wood. Darwin’s horse slipped and fell in hidden pockets of thick black mud, soaking him through, and by the sixth morning he could hardly wait to get back to his cramped cabin aboard the Beagle. But the ride gave him new mysteries to ponder—and chief among them was the astonishing tameness of the Falklands’ wild­life. Grazing flocks of native geese barely flinched as Darwin and the gauchos thundered past, and even the legendarily cryptic birds called snipe—seen only in the distance, if at all, in England—let him come almost close enough to touch them. Other animals were bolder still: an inquisitive songbird probed at his shoes with its thin, curved beak, and
the wolfish foxes unique to the islands were so tame that the gauchos could kill them by holding out a piece of meat in one hand and a knife in the other. These gullible carnivores, known locally as warrahs, “have been observed to enter a tent,” Darwin wrote, “and actually pull some meat from beneath the head of a sleeping seaman.” He suspected—correctly—that their fearlessness would soon lead to their extinction.
But a third animal, a handsome bird of prey that resembled a cross between a hawk and a raven, seemed to have an enlarged curiosity of its own. It had an orange face, a silver-gray beak, and glossy black plum­age, and it massed in noisy gangs at the islands’ only settlement to beg for scraps of kitchen garbage. Unlike the wary hawks and falcons Dar­win knew in England, these “mischievous” birds could walk and run with the speed and agility of pheasants, and the crews of the Beagle and Adventure soon learned that their interests extended beyond food. “A large black glazed hat was carried nearly a mile,” Darwin wrote, “as was a pair of the heavy balls used in catching cattle . . . [and] a small Kater’s compass in a red morocco leather case, which was never recov­ered.” The Adventure, which surveyed the coasts of the Falklands while the Beagle made a circuit of islands in Tierra del Fuego, had to post a lookout to prevent them from flying aboard and tearing the leather from its rigging.
When the two ships met again, the Adventure’s crew offered Dar­win stories of the “boldness and rapacity of these birds,” mirroring the tales of whalers and sealers who’d been using the Falklands as a base for over a century. The sub-Antarctic world was full of strange animals—leopard seals, beaked whales, macaroni penguins—but the hat-stealing birds of the Falklands were unique. “The sailors who visit these islands,” wrote one sealer, “being often much vexed at their pred­atory tricks, have bestowed different names upon them, characteristic of their nature, as flying monkeys, flying devils, etc, etc.”
Astonishing as they were, Darwin also knew they weren’t entirely singular. He’d just met some of their close relatives on the South Amer­ican mainland, an odd and distinctive guild of scavengers that were unlike any birds he’d ever seen. The most common was a jay-sized, dusty-brown bird called a chimango, which gathered in flocks at the carcasses of cattle and horses in the grasslands south of Buenos Aires, but the most conspicuous was a larger, more elegant creature now known as a southern crested caracara—a dignified-looking bird with a yellow face and a flattened black crest like a mortarboard cap. Both birds “possess one family air,” Darwin wrote, “and agree in habits with the Vultures in the following respects: in living chiefly on the flesh of dead animals, in quickly congregating at any spot, where an animal may have died; in gorging themselves till their craws protrude; in their tameness, or boldness with respect to mankind.” The sound of the crested caracaras’ weird, rattling call—a dry karruk-karruk—lingered in Darwin’s mind, along with the contorted pose they struck as they uttered it, throwing their heads back until they nearly touched their tails. Despite their heraldic appearance, their “necrophagous habits” left him feeling uneasy in the deserts of Patagonia, where “they are very evident to any one who has fallen asleep on the desolate plains,” he wrote, “for when he wakes, he will see, on each surrounding hillock, one of these birds patiently watching him with an evil eye.”

The flying devils of the Falklands, however, puzzled him most of all. They’d been known to science* since 1775, when a naturalist traveling with the British explorer James Cook shot one in Tierra del Fuego, but no one had described their unusual behavior. Darwin tried to fill the gap by devoting more ink to their antics in The Voyage of the Beagle than he gave any other bird, and his account has the bemusement and mild alarm you’d expect from a young man staring down a predatory bird bent on stealing his hat. Though he didn’t speculate about what they planned to do with their loot, Darwin did wonder why they’d chosen these remote islands for their metropolis. Like the giant tortoises and tame mockingbirds he would soon meet in the Galápagos, the Falk­lands’ unique caracaras suggested that larger, unexplained forces—the real objects of his interest—were at work. But he set the mystery of their origins aside, and never took it up again.
Neither did anyone else, which surprised me when I met these birds two centuries later. Scientists have combed through Darwin’s notebooks for insights he didn’t (or couldn’t) pursue: he correctly pre­dicted, for example, that a species of moth would be discovered whose tongue could sound the depths of a foot-long orchid from Madagascar, and some of his stray thoughts have led to entire fields of scien­tific inquiry. But the riddle of the feathered thieves at the end of the world—now called striated caracaras—has remained. A few still live on the remote coasts of Tierra del Fuego, and though warrahs and gauchos vanished from the Falklands soon after Darwin’s visit, striated cara­caras still cling to life on the archipelago’s outer islands, where they hunt and scavenge in colonies of penguins, seals, and albatrosses. They are the southernmost birds of prey on Earth, and among the rarest: no more than a few thousand are left, a number only slightly larger than the wild population of giant pandas.
But if you visit them, they refuse to behave like a species on the verge of extinction. They’ll pluck the cap from your head, tug at the zippers of your backpack, and meet your eye with a forthright, impish gaze—and it’s this earnest, playful quality, not their rarity or remote­ness, that caught and held me when I met them twenty-five years ago. Striated caracaras seem disarmingly conscious, and they prod at the turf with their bills and feet and crane their necks to peer at everything with keen but slightly dubious interest, as if they’ve just emerged from the ark and wonder what else the world might have to offer. In the 1920s, the Falklands’ official naturalist implored the government to rescind a bounty on their beaks, calling them “an ornament of the local avifauna” and noting that “from their point of view, every unfamiliar object demands immediate investigation.” The first ones I saw stared back at me so intensely that I felt slightly abashed, as if I owed them an explanation.           
Since then, I’ve returned to the Falklands every few years to work with the researchers trying to keep these unusual birds from the fate of the warrahs. It takes several days and an array of small planes and boats to reach them, but the thrill of seeing them again never fades: even after I’ve helped trap them with snares, weighed them in burlap sacks, taken blood samples from their wings, and attached identifying rings to their legs, I’ve watched them ruffle their feathers and walk right back toward me, as if compelled by a single burning question: What are you?

"In his fascinating debut book, ornithologist and indie rocker Jonathan Meiburg writes about his journeys in search of the elusive bird, and the changes that threaten its future. You don’t have to know the first thing about birds to be drawn into this beautifully written, enchanting book." —Michael Schaub, NPR

“A fascinating, entertaining, and totally engrossing story of these under-appreciated birds, deftly intertwining natural history and human history, and with insights and lessons that go far beyond the subject birds.” —David Sibley, author of What It's Like to Be a Bird

“Caracaras are not like other birds, or even other birds of prey. Curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent, the ten species of caracara are a scientific puzzle that has intrigued biologists since the days of Darwin. And this book--as curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent as its subject--is not like any other book that I have encountered. A Most Remarkable Creature is not only about a bird, but about the community of people that has formed, almost accidentally, around the bird, and beyond that about humankind itself.” —Charles C. Mann, author of 1491

“If caracaras were able to read—and immersing myself in Mr. Meiburg’s vivid prose I sometimes fancied they just might be—this book would give them a lot of information about that exceptional creature named Jonathan Meiburg.” —Christoph Irmscher, Wall Street Journal

“Like travel itself, A Most Remarkable Creature is more journey than destination. While Meiburg seems disinclined toward environmental preaching, he does want to ignite our curiosity. The book elegantly reminds us that we cheat ourselves when we underestimate creatures we have deemed low, annoying or common.” —Karen Sandstrom, The Washington Post

“Meiburg's voice is poetic; where other nature writers are known for the images they paint of landscapes, here are presented impressions, concepts as complex as species' movements over geologic time, in a way that is at once clear and beautiful.” —Anna Morris,

“Gorgeously written and sophisticated, Jonathan Meiburg's book about a wickedly clever falcon will move readers to protect this truly remarkable creature.” BookPage, “Best Nonfiction of 2021”

“To call this a bird book would be like calling Moby-Dick a whaling manual. . . Meiburg’s book is full of good seeing and the good writing that comes from it.” —Sam Hodges, Dallas Morning News

“Meiburg is an enormously skilled writer, and even if you've never heard of striated caracaras, you're likely to be drawn in by his enthusiasm and elegant prose.” —Michael Schaub, Star Tribune

A Most Remarkable Creature is much more than a scientific profile. It is a grand intellectual adventure involving dinosaurs, DNA, naturalists, exploration and survival. Meiburg is a gifted storyteller, and one can't help but fall under the same spell he did.” —Lauren O’Brien, Shelf Awareness

“Meiburg lodges the caracara so deeply in readers’ hearts that by the end of the book, they will feel ready to participate in whatever scheme he proposes to save this peculiar dinosaur-descendant.” —Anna Spydell, BookPage (starred review)

“Meiburg elevates himself to the top ranks of science writers with this enthralling debut . . . Meiburg’s evocative prose will bring armchair naturalists into the wild with him. Fans of literary nature narratives will be thrilled by his lyrical account, and eager to see where Meiburg goes next.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“An ambitious, impressive debut. The book’s manifold strands will engage all sorts of readers, including bird lovers, science buffs, and eco-adventure fans.” —Robert Eagan, Library Journal (starred review)

“Meiburg’s enthusiasm [for the caracaras] matches Darwin’s, and readers will share it. . . Not only a fine writer, the author is clearly an adventurer, and he devotes entertaining chapters to treks into the high Andes and South American jungles in search of other caracara species. . . [A] wholly captivating natural history.” Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“In this wonderful combination of travelogue (it makes one want to visit the Falklands), history of science (Henry Hudson was quite the naturalist), and natural history, the reader will meet a bird of prey that. . . [is] truly the most mischievous of all feathered creation.” Nancy Bent, Booklist (starred review)

“More than anything else, rock musician Jonathan Meiburg’s book A Most Remarkable Creature . . . seems so attuned to the personalities, intelligences, and feelings of the animals he encounters. . . It’s a humble, grateful book, full of wonderful ornithological knowledge.” —Olivia Rutigliano, Lit Hub

“Astonishing . . . It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.” —Elisa Shoenberger, Book Riot

“Abounding with intriguing characters and too-close-for-comfort wildlife encounters, the book is an enrapturing tale about the unfolding evolutionary drama of our planet.” —Corryn Wetzel, Audubon

“With striking prose and talon-sharp wit, the book delivers on [Meiburg’s] lofty ambitions. After reading it, I found myself looking at birds differently, as well as the world at large and humans’ relationship to it.” —Bryan C. Parker, Texas Monthly

“Meiburg’s writing possesses that rare, and very readable, ability to tread surely between the studious and the conversational. . . The feeling one is left with is of having spent a rather wonderful evening in the company of someone both extremely knowledgeable and at ease with that knowledge.” —Will Burns, Caught by the River

“[Meiburg] takes readers from the fog-bound coasts of the Falklands to tropical forests in Guyana to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving.” —Matt Mendenhall, Bird Watching Daily

“Jonathan Meiburg vividly brings to life not only a nearly shaman-like character – the striated caracara – but also the world that opens when you look at the raptor. It’s a riveting work of natural history, human exploration, and evolutionary detection.” —Michael S. Hopkins, Christian Science Monitor

“[Meiburg] takes our known world and spins it on its head, revealing complexities and wonders about not just the field of ornithology, but the planet and humankind as well so that we might be inspired to continue seeking out the unknowns in order to discover something new.” —Miyako Pleines, Chicago Audubon Society

“Like any good book about a single bird species, this one combines adventure, travel, mystery and science.” —Jim Williams, Minneapolis Star Tribune

“This book is an evolutionary labyrinth, taking Meiburg to the end of the world following a single, curious predator. Vivid, beautiful, and scientifically rich, crawling with jungle ants, blasted by Antarctic winds, his tales will transport you from the page to wilder places.” —Craig Childs, author of Atlas of a Lost World

A Most Remarkable Creature does what only the very best science and nature writing can. Jonathan Meiburg reminds us that our world is not fully known, that the prehistoric walk among us, and, most of all, how exciting and unnerving it feels to encounter an animal you’ve never seen before, and, even more, to find that animal staring right back.” —Steven Rinella, author of American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon

“A rich, sprawling romp through time and far-flung, fabulous spaces, in pursuit of one of Earth’s most enigmatic, engaging, and shrewdest creatures.” —Alan Weisman, author of Countdown

“I’m in love with this book. If you like great writing, strange historical twists, adventure, nature, music and/or birds this will quickly become one of your all-time favorite books.” —Laurie Anderson, artist

“What a remarkable feat: taking a mysterious, oddly social, keenly intelligent bird of prey that most of the world has never heard of and animating the creature with such beauty that it comes fully alive in our imaginations. Jonathan Meiburg went on an equatorial search for the latter-day descendants of the age-old caracara and brought back--a little like Darwin himself--travel report, documentary, biography, social history, scientific treatise. And all of it so wonderfully readable.” —Paul Hendrickson, author of Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost


Here is an enthralling account of the clever, social birds of prey called caracaras, which puzzled Darwin, fascinate modern-day falconers, and carry secrets of our planet's deep past in their family history.

In 1833, Charles Darwin was astonished by an animal he met in the Falkland Islands: handsome, social, and oddly crow-like falcons that were “tame and inquisitive . . . quarrelsome and passionate,” and so insatiably curious that they stole hats, compasses, and other valuables from the crew of the Beagle. Darwin wondered why these birds were confined to remote islands at the tip of South America, sensing a larger story, but he set this mystery aside and never returned to it.
Almost two hundred years later, Jonathan Meiburg takes up this chase. He takes us through South America, from the fog-bound coasts of Tierra del Fuego to the tropical forests of Guyana, in search of these birds: striated caracaras, which still exist, though they’re very rare. He reveals the wild, fascinating story of their history, origins, and possible futures. And along the way, he draws us into the life and work of William Henry Hudson, the Victorian writer and naturalist who championed caracaras as an unsung wonder of the natural world, and to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving. A Most Remarkable Creature is a hybrid of science writing, travelogue, and biography, as generous and accessible as it is sophisticated, and absolutely riveting.

“In his fascinating debut book, ornithologist and indie rocker Jonathan Meiburg writes about his journeys in search of the elusive bird, and the changes that threaten its future. You don’t have to know the first thing about birds to be drawn into this beautifully written, enchanting book.” —Michael Schaub, NPR
“Utterly captivating and beautifully written, this book is a hugely entertaining and enlightening exploration of a bird so wickedly smart, curious, and social, it boggles the mind.” —Jennifer Ackerman, author of The Bird Way

“A fascinating, entertaining, and totally engrossing story of these under-appreciated birds, deftly intertwining natural history and human history, and with insights and lessons that go far beyond the subject birds.” —David Sibley, author of What It's Like to Be a Bird

“Caracaras are not like other birds, or even other birds of prey. Curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent, the ten species of caracara are a scientific puzzle that has intrigued biologists since the days of Darwin. And this book—as curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent as its subject—is not like any other book that I have encountered. A Most Remarkable Creature is not only about a bird, but about the community of people that has formed, almost accidentally, around the bird, and beyond that about humankind itself.” —Charles C. Mann, author of 1491

“If caracaras were able to read—and immersing myself in Mr. Meiburg’s vivid prose I sometimes fancied they just might be—this book would give them a lot of information about that exceptional creature named Jonathan Meiburg.” —Christoph Irmscher, Wall Street Journal

“Like travel itself, A Most Remarkable Creature is more journey than destination. While Meiburg seems disinclined toward environmental preaching, he does want to ignite our curiosity. The book elegantly reminds us that we cheat ourselves when we underestimate creatures we have deemed low, annoying or common.” —Karen Sandstrom, The Washington Post

“Meiburg’s voice is poetic; where other nature writers are known for the images they paint of landscapes, here are presented impressions, concepts as complex as species’ movements over geologic time, in a way that is at once clear and beautiful.” —Anna Morris,

“Gorgeously written and sophisticated, Jonathan Meiburg’s book about a wickedly clever falcon will move readers to protect this truly remarkable creature.” —BookPage, “Best Nonfiction of 2021”

“To call this a bird book would be like calling Moby-Dick a whaling manual. . . . Meiburg’s book is full of good seeing and the good writing that comes from it.” —Sam Hodges, Dallas Morning News

“Meiburg is an enormously skilled writer, and even if you’ve never heard of striated caracaras, you're likely to be drawn in by his enthusiasm and elegant prose.” —Michael Schaub, Star Tribune

A Most Remarkable Creature is much more than a scientific profile. It is a grand intellectual adventure involving dinosaurs, DNA, naturalists, exploration and survival. Meiburg is a gifted storyteller, and one can't help but fall under the same spell he did.” —Lauren O’Brien, Shelf Awareness

“Meiburg lodges the caracara so deeply in readers’ hearts that by the end of the book, they will feel ready to participate in whatever scheme he proposes to save this peculiar dinosaur-descendant.” —Anna Spydell, BookPage (starred review)

“Meiburg elevates himself to the top ranks of science writers with this enthralling debut. . . . Meiburg’s evocative prose will bring armchair naturalists into the wild with him.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“An ambitious, impressive debut. The book’s manifold strands will engage all sorts of readers, including bird lovers, science buffs, and eco-adventure fans.” —Robert Eagan, Library Journal (starred review)

“Meiburg’s enthusiasm [for the caracaras] matches Darwin’s, and readers will share it. . . . Not only a fine writer, the author is clearly an adventurer, and he devotes entertaining chapters to treks into the high Andes and South American jungles in search of other caracara species. . . . [A] wholly captivating natural history.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“In this wonderful combination of travelogue (it makes one want to visit the Falklands), history of science (Henry Hudson was quite the naturalist), and natural history, the reader will meet a bird of prey that . . . [is] truly the most mischievous of all feathered creation.” —Nancy Bent, Booklist (starred review)

“More than anything else, rock musician Jonathan Meiburg’s book A Most Remarkable Creature . . . seems so attuned to the personalities, intelligences, and feelings of the animals he encounters. . . . It’s a humble, grateful book, full of wonderful ornithological knowledge.” —Olivia Rutigliano, Lit Hub

“Astonishing. . . . It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.” —Elisa Shoenberger, Book Riot

“Abounding with intriguing characters and too-close-for-comfort wildlife encounters, the book is an enrapturing tale about the unfolding evolutionary drama of our planet.” —Corryn Wetzel, Audubon

“With striking prose and talon-sharp wit, the book delivers on [Meiburg’s] lofty ambitions. After reading it, I found myself looking at birds differently, as well as the world at large and humans’ relationship to it.” —Bryan C. Parker, Texas Monthly

“Meiburg’s writing possesses that rare, and very readable, ability to tread surely between the studious and the conversational. . . . The feeling one is left with is of having spent a rather wonderful evening in the company of someone both extremely knowledgeable and at ease with that knowledge.” —Will Burns, Caught by the River

“[Meiburg] takes readers from the fog-bound coasts of the Falklands to tropical forests in Guyana to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving.” —Matt Mendenhall, Bird Watching Daily

“Jonathan Meiburg vividly brings to life not only a nearly shaman-like character—the striated caracara—but also the world that opens when you look at the raptor. It’s a riveting work of natural history, human exploration, and evolutionary detection.” —Michael S. Hopkins, Christian Science Monitor

“[Meiburg] takes our known world and spins it on its head, revealing complexities and wonders about not just the field of ornithology, but the planet and humankind as well so that we might be inspired to continue seeking out the unknowns in order to discover something new.” —Miyako Pleines, Chicago Audubon Society

“Like any good book about a single bird species, this one combines adventure, travel, mystery and science.” —Jim Williams, Minneapolis Star Tribune

“This book is an evolutionary labyrinth, taking Meiburg to the end of the world following a single, curious predator. Vivid, beautiful, and scientifically rich, crawling with jungle ants, blasted by Antarctic winds, his tales will transport you from the page to wilder places.” —Craig Childs, author of Atlas of a Lost World

A Most Remarkable Creature does what only the very best science and nature writing can. Jonathan Meiburg reminds us that our world is not fully known, that the prehistoric walk among us, and, most of all, how exciting and unnerving it feels to encounter an animal you’ve never seen before, and, even more, to find that animal staring right back.” —Steven Rinella, author of American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon

“A rich, sprawling romp through time and far-flung, fabulous spaces, in pursuit of one of Earth’s most enigmatic, engaging, and shrewdest creatures.” —Alan Weisman, author of Countdown

“I’m in love with this book. If you like great writing, strange historical twists, adventure, nature, music and/or birds this will quickly become one of your all-time favorite books.” —Laurie Anderson, artist

“What a remarkable feat: taking a mysterious, oddly social, keenly intelligent bird of prey that most of the world has never heard of and animating the creature with such beauty that it comes fully alive in our imaginations. Jonathan Meiburg went on an equatorial search for the latter-day descendants of the age-old caracara and brought back—a little like Darwin himself—travel report, documentary, biography, social history, scientific treatise. And all of it so wonderfully readable.” —Paul Hendrickson, author of Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost


© Jenna Moore
In 1997, Jonathan Meiburg received a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to travel to remote communities around the world, a year-long journey that sparked his enduring fascination with islands, birds, and the deep history of the living world. Since then, he's written reviews, features, and interviews for print and online publications including The Believer, The Talkhouse, and The Appendix on subjects ranging from a hidden exhibit hall at the American Museum of Natural History to the last long-form interview with author Peter Matthiessen. But he's best known as the leader of the band Shearwater, whose albums and performances have often been praised by NPR, The New York Times, The Guardian, and Pitchfork. He lives in central Texas. View titles by Jonathan Meiburg


An Unanswered Question
It’s the turning of the Earth that spins the winds around Antarc­tica. The same force that curls hurricanes into deadly spirals gath­ers cold gales descending from the South Pole, where ice entombs entire mountain ranges, and launches them into a west-flowing moat of air that piles the seas into waves seven stories tall, shutting out the warmer world to the north. There’s nothing to oppose them: sail a boat forever along the sixty-third parallel and you’d never see anything but black-and-white water, the spouts of whales, and the careening shapes of albatrosses skidding down the air on eleven-foot wings, a churning world that’s our planet’s most enduring scene.
But this endless polar cyclone frays along its northern border, where rogue winds peel off into the great oceanic basins—Indian, Pacific, Atlantic—and Atlantic-bound gusts first strike the green world in the fjords and islands of Tierra del Fuego, where the Andes march into the sea. The winds fling plumes of wet sand against glacially sculpted cliffs and prune dripping forests of evergreen beeches into bizarre shapes—forests that are, in a way, the winds’ making, since their fierce chill forces warm air traveling south from the Amazon to drop its hoarded water. Tierra del Fuego’s wooded slopes and valleys are carpeted in mosses, ferns, and sundew, its trees draped in pale wisps of old-man’s beard; and where its forests meet the sea, flightless sea ducks and giant otters shelter in a labyrinth of coves, inlets, and cobbled beaches that seem freshly carved from the bedrock of the world.
Charles Darwin saw these southernmost forests in the early months of his adventure aboard HMS Beagle and thought their grandeur rivaled the tropical woodlands that blew his mind in Brazil. But “in these still solitudes,” he noted, “death, instead of life, is the predominant spirit.” Without ants or termites to mill them down, Tierra del Fuego’s dead trees stand and lie beside the living for years, and crow-sized woodpeck­ers knock splinters from their trunks with the dull thunk of hatchets. Even now, when you can fly the length of Darwin’s five-year odyssey in two days, Tierra del Fuego’s fog-bound channels are seldom visited, largely inaccessible, and since the demise of the Amerindians who lived there for thousands of years, unpeopled. Ships occasionally use them to shelter from the mighty Pacific swells, but almost no one lingers.
Nor do the winds. Soaring over the low crests of the southern Andes, they beat north and east to glance off the unclimbed peaks of Isla de los Estados, where Jules Verne imagined a lighthouse at the end of the world, and bend the dry grasses on the plains of Patagonia. Then they go to sea again, dragging a train of whitecaps to soften and die in the tropics. But as they leave the high latitudes, they graze a last spot of land—a cluster of treeless, wasp-waisted islands in the northwest cor­ner of the Falkland archipelago called the Jasons. And it’s here, in the lee of fallen boulders and tufts of grass, that a hidden marvel huddles out of the wind’s reach: one of the strangest and most wonderful ani­mals on earth.
It didn’t stay hidden from Darwin, but it took him by surprise in a place he was impatient to leave. The Beagle and its companion, HMS Adventure, called in at the Falklands twice before threading through the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific, and Darwin thought the islands’ brown, undulating moorlands looked “desolate and wretched,” espe­cially compared to the Brazilian forests where it was “not possible to give an adequate idea of the higher feelings of wonder, astonishment, and devotion, which fill and elevate the mind.” The Falklands’ monoto­nous landscape, broken only by a few low mountains and ridges of gra­nitic quartz, suggested none of these feelings. “I can very plainly see,” he confided in a letter to his sister, “there will not be much pleasure or contentment, till we get out of these detestable latitudes & are carrying on all sail to the land where Bananas grow.”
It can be hard to picture Darwin as anything but a white-bearded ancient with a thousand-yard stare, but when the Beagle left England he was only twenty-two, a rich kid with an assured future as a coun­try priest. He’d been invited aboard as much to keep the ship’s mel­ancholy young captain company as to advance the cause of science, and his unpaid role as a naturalist was incidental to the ship’s official mission of mapping the treacherous coasts at the southern tip of South America. Darwin’s only real qualification was an undistinguished bachelor’s degree from Cambridge, where he often devoted more time to the upper-class pastimes of riding and shooting than to his studies, and even his best reference conceded he was not “finished”; he was simply an amiable and wealthy young man with a growing interest in rocks and insects, a yen for adventure, and a quality his uncle fondly described as an “enlarged curiosity.”
The Beagle’s five-year voyage, Darwin knew, would let him indulge this curiosity in places few naturalists had ever seen; and after convinc­ing his reluctant father to pay his way, young Charles resolved to wring all he could from these years of freedom—even on cold, barren islands that left him pining for the tropics. Riding and shooting, as it happened, were useful skills in the Falklands, whose human population consisted of a single British officer and the remnants of a failed Argentine penal colony. Among the former prisoners were a contingent of gauchos, the legendary horsemen of the Pampas, who liked to chase feral cattle across the islands’ waterlogged peatlands, and Darwin convinced a pair of them to take him along on one of their excursions.
For five days, they rode at a gallop through blinding squalls of snow and ice, dodging fierce bulls who weren’t pleased to see them, sleep­ing on the bare ground, roasting their suppers of wild beef on fires stoked with bones instead of wood. Darwin’s horse slipped and fell in hidden pockets of thick black mud, soaking him through, and by the sixth morning he could hardly wait to get back to his cramped cabin aboard the Beagle. But the ride gave him new mysteries to ponder—and chief among them was the astonishing tameness of the Falklands’ wild­life. Grazing flocks of native geese barely flinched as Darwin and the gauchos thundered past, and even the legendarily cryptic birds called snipe—seen only in the distance, if at all, in England—let him come almost close enough to touch them. Other animals were bolder still: an inquisitive songbird probed at his shoes with its thin, curved beak, and
the wolfish foxes unique to the islands were so tame that the gauchos could kill them by holding out a piece of meat in one hand and a knife in the other. These gullible carnivores, known locally as warrahs, “have been observed to enter a tent,” Darwin wrote, “and actually pull some meat from beneath the head of a sleeping seaman.” He suspected—correctly—that their fearlessness would soon lead to their extinction.
But a third animal, a handsome bird of prey that resembled a cross between a hawk and a raven, seemed to have an enlarged curiosity of its own. It had an orange face, a silver-gray beak, and glossy black plum­age, and it massed in noisy gangs at the islands’ only settlement to beg for scraps of kitchen garbage. Unlike the wary hawks and falcons Dar­win knew in England, these “mischievous” birds could walk and run with the speed and agility of pheasants, and the crews of the Beagle and Adventure soon learned that their interests extended beyond food. “A large black glazed hat was carried nearly a mile,” Darwin wrote, “as was a pair of the heavy balls used in catching cattle . . . [and] a small Kater’s compass in a red morocco leather case, which was never recov­ered.” The Adventure, which surveyed the coasts of the Falklands while the Beagle made a circuit of islands in Tierra del Fuego, had to post a lookout to prevent them from flying aboard and tearing the leather from its rigging.
When the two ships met again, the Adventure’s crew offered Dar­win stories of the “boldness and rapacity of these birds,” mirroring the tales of whalers and sealers who’d been using the Falklands as a base for over a century. The sub-Antarctic world was full of strange animals—leopard seals, beaked whales, macaroni penguins—but the hat-stealing birds of the Falklands were unique. “The sailors who visit these islands,” wrote one sealer, “being often much vexed at their pred­atory tricks, have bestowed different names upon them, characteristic of their nature, as flying monkeys, flying devils, etc, etc.”
Astonishing as they were, Darwin also knew they weren’t entirely singular. He’d just met some of their close relatives on the South Amer­ican mainland, an odd and distinctive guild of scavengers that were unlike any birds he’d ever seen. The most common was a jay-sized, dusty-brown bird called a chimango, which gathered in flocks at the carcasses of cattle and horses in the grasslands south of Buenos Aires, but the most conspicuous was a larger, more elegant creature now known as a southern crested caracara—a dignified-looking bird with a yellow face and a flattened black crest like a mortarboard cap. Both birds “possess one family air,” Darwin wrote, “and agree in habits with the Vultures in the following respects: in living chiefly on the flesh of dead animals, in quickly congregating at any spot, where an animal may have died; in gorging themselves till their craws protrude; in their tameness, or boldness with respect to mankind.” The sound of the crested caracaras’ weird, rattling call—a dry karruk-karruk—lingered in Darwin’s mind, along with the contorted pose they struck as they uttered it, throwing their heads back until they nearly touched their tails. Despite their heraldic appearance, their “necrophagous habits” left him feeling uneasy in the deserts of Patagonia, where “they are very evident to any one who has fallen asleep on the desolate plains,” he wrote, “for when he wakes, he will see, on each surrounding hillock, one of these birds patiently watching him with an evil eye.”

The flying devils of the Falklands, however, puzzled him most of all. They’d been known to science* since 1775, when a naturalist traveling with the British explorer James Cook shot one in Tierra del Fuego, but no one had described their unusual behavior. Darwin tried to fill the gap by devoting more ink to their antics in The Voyage of the Beagle than he gave any other bird, and his account has the bemusement and mild alarm you’d expect from a young man staring down a predatory bird bent on stealing his hat. Though he didn’t speculate about what they planned to do with their loot, Darwin did wonder why they’d chosen these remote islands for their metropolis. Like the giant tortoises and tame mockingbirds he would soon meet in the Galápagos, the Falk­lands’ unique caracaras suggested that larger, unexplained forces—the real objects of his interest—were at work. But he set the mystery of their origins aside, and never took it up again.
Neither did anyone else, which surprised me when I met these birds two centuries later. Scientists have combed through Darwin’s notebooks for insights he didn’t (or couldn’t) pursue: he correctly pre­dicted, for example, that a species of moth would be discovered whose tongue could sound the depths of a foot-long orchid from Madagascar, and some of his stray thoughts have led to entire fields of scien­tific inquiry. But the riddle of the feathered thieves at the end of the world—now called striated caracaras—has remained. A few still live on the remote coasts of Tierra del Fuego, and though warrahs and gauchos vanished from the Falklands soon after Darwin’s visit, striated cara­caras still cling to life on the archipelago’s outer islands, where they hunt and scavenge in colonies of penguins, seals, and albatrosses. They are the southernmost birds of prey on Earth, and among the rarest: no more than a few thousand are left, a number only slightly larger than the wild population of giant pandas.
But if you visit them, they refuse to behave like a species on the verge of extinction. They’ll pluck the cap from your head, tug at the zippers of your backpack, and meet your eye with a forthright, impish gaze—and it’s this earnest, playful quality, not their rarity or remote­ness, that caught and held me when I met them twenty-five years ago. Striated caracaras seem disarmingly conscious, and they prod at the turf with their bills and feet and crane their necks to peer at everything with keen but slightly dubious interest, as if they’ve just emerged from the ark and wonder what else the world might have to offer. In the 1920s, the Falklands’ official naturalist implored the government to rescind a bounty on their beaks, calling them “an ornament of the local avifauna” and noting that “from their point of view, every unfamiliar object demands immediate investigation.” The first ones I saw stared back at me so intensely that I felt slightly abashed, as if I owed them an explanation.           
Since then, I’ve returned to the Falklands every few years to work with the researchers trying to keep these unusual birds from the fate of the warrahs. It takes several days and an array of small planes and boats to reach them, but the thrill of seeing them again never fades: even after I’ve helped trap them with snares, weighed them in burlap sacks, taken blood samples from their wings, and attached identifying rings to their legs, I’ve watched them ruffle their feathers and walk right back toward me, as if compelled by a single burning question: What are you?



"In his fascinating debut book, ornithologist and indie rocker Jonathan Meiburg writes about his journeys in search of the elusive bird, and the changes that threaten its future. You don’t have to know the first thing about birds to be drawn into this beautifully written, enchanting book." —Michael Schaub, NPR

“A fascinating, entertaining, and totally engrossing story of these under-appreciated birds, deftly intertwining natural history and human history, and with insights and lessons that go far beyond the subject birds.” —David Sibley, author of What It's Like to Be a Bird

“Caracaras are not like other birds, or even other birds of prey. Curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent, the ten species of caracara are a scientific puzzle that has intrigued biologists since the days of Darwin. And this book--as curious, wide-ranging, gregarious, and intelligent as its subject--is not like any other book that I have encountered. A Most Remarkable Creature is not only about a bird, but about the community of people that has formed, almost accidentally, around the bird, and beyond that about humankind itself.” —Charles C. Mann, author of 1491

“If caracaras were able to read—and immersing myself in Mr. Meiburg’s vivid prose I sometimes fancied they just might be—this book would give them a lot of information about that exceptional creature named Jonathan Meiburg.” —Christoph Irmscher, Wall Street Journal

“Like travel itself, A Most Remarkable Creature is more journey than destination. While Meiburg seems disinclined toward environmental preaching, he does want to ignite our curiosity. The book elegantly reminds us that we cheat ourselves when we underestimate creatures we have deemed low, annoying or common.” —Karen Sandstrom, The Washington Post

“Meiburg's voice is poetic; where other nature writers are known for the images they paint of landscapes, here are presented impressions, concepts as complex as species' movements over geologic time, in a way that is at once clear and beautiful.” —Anna Morris,

“Gorgeously written and sophisticated, Jonathan Meiburg's book about a wickedly clever falcon will move readers to protect this truly remarkable creature.” BookPage, “Best Nonfiction of 2021”

“To call this a bird book would be like calling Moby-Dick a whaling manual. . . Meiburg’s book is full of good seeing and the good writing that comes from it.” —Sam Hodges, Dallas Morning News

“Meiburg is an enormously skilled writer, and even if you've never heard of striated caracaras, you're likely to be drawn in by his enthusiasm and elegant prose.” —Michael Schaub, Star Tribune

A Most Remarkable Creature is much more than a scientific profile. It is a grand intellectual adventure involving dinosaurs, DNA, naturalists, exploration and survival. Meiburg is a gifted storyteller, and one can't help but fall under the same spell he did.” —Lauren O’Brien, Shelf Awareness

“Meiburg lodges the caracara so deeply in readers’ hearts that by the end of the book, they will feel ready to participate in whatever scheme he proposes to save this peculiar dinosaur-descendant.” —Anna Spydell, BookPage (starred review)

“Meiburg elevates himself to the top ranks of science writers with this enthralling debut . . . Meiburg’s evocative prose will bring armchair naturalists into the wild with him. Fans of literary nature narratives will be thrilled by his lyrical account, and eager to see where Meiburg goes next.”Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“An ambitious, impressive debut. The book’s manifold strands will engage all sorts of readers, including bird lovers, science buffs, and eco-adventure fans.” —Robert Eagan, Library Journal (starred review)

“Meiburg’s enthusiasm [for the caracaras] matches Darwin’s, and readers will share it. . . Not only a fine writer, the author is clearly an adventurer, and he devotes entertaining chapters to treks into the high Andes and South American jungles in search of other caracara species. . . [A] wholly captivating natural history.” Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“In this wonderful combination of travelogue (it makes one want to visit the Falklands), history of science (Henry Hudson was quite the naturalist), and natural history, the reader will meet a bird of prey that. . . [is] truly the most mischievous of all feathered creation.” Nancy Bent, Booklist (starred review)

“More than anything else, rock musician Jonathan Meiburg’s book A Most Remarkable Creature . . . seems so attuned to the personalities, intelligences, and feelings of the animals he encounters. . . It’s a humble, grateful book, full of wonderful ornithological knowledge.” —Olivia Rutigliano, Lit Hub

“Astonishing . . . It’s one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.” —Elisa Shoenberger, Book Riot

“Abounding with intriguing characters and too-close-for-comfort wildlife encounters, the book is an enrapturing tale about the unfolding evolutionary drama of our planet.” —Corryn Wetzel, Audubon

“With striking prose and talon-sharp wit, the book delivers on [Meiburg’s] lofty ambitions. After reading it, I found myself looking at birds differently, as well as the world at large and humans’ relationship to it.” —Bryan C. Parker, Texas Monthly

“Meiburg’s writing possesses that rare, and very readable, ability to tread surely between the studious and the conversational. . . The feeling one is left with is of having spent a rather wonderful evening in the company of someone both extremely knowledgeable and at ease with that knowledge.” —Will Burns, Caught by the River

“[Meiburg] takes readers from the fog-bound coasts of the Falklands to tropical forests in Guyana to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving.” —Matt Mendenhall, Bird Watching Daily

“Jonathan Meiburg vividly brings to life not only a nearly shaman-like character – the striated caracara – but also the world that opens when you look at the raptor. It’s a riveting work of natural history, human exploration, and evolutionary detection.” —Michael S. Hopkins, Christian Science Monitor

“[Meiburg] takes our known world and spins it on its head, revealing complexities and wonders about not just the field of ornithology, but the planet and humankind as well so that we might be inspired to continue seeking out the unknowns in order to discover something new.” —Miyako Pleines, Chicago Audubon Society

“Like any good book about a single bird species, this one combines adventure, travel, mystery and science.” —Jim Williams, Minneapolis Star Tribune

“This book is an evolutionary labyrinth, taking Meiburg to the end of the world following a single, curious predator. Vivid, beautiful, and scientifically rich, crawling with jungle ants, blasted by Antarctic winds, his tales will transport you from the page to wilder places.” —Craig Childs, author of Atlas of a Lost World

A Most Remarkable Creature does what only the very best science and nature writing can. Jonathan Meiburg reminds us that our world is not fully known, that the prehistoric walk among us, and, most of all, how exciting and unnerving it feels to encounter an animal you’ve never seen before, and, even more, to find that animal staring right back.” —Steven Rinella, author of American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon

“A rich, sprawling romp through time and far-flung, fabulous spaces, in pursuit of one of Earth’s most enigmatic, engaging, and shrewdest creatures.” —Alan Weisman, author of Countdown

“I’m in love with this book. If you like great writing, strange historical twists, adventure, nature, music and/or birds this will quickly become one of your all-time favorite books.” —Laurie Anderson, artist

“What a remarkable feat: taking a mysterious, oddly social, keenly intelligent bird of prey that most of the world has never heard of and animating the creature with such beauty that it comes fully alive in our imaginations. Jonathan Meiburg went on an equatorial search for the latter-day descendants of the age-old caracara and brought back--a little like Darwin himself--travel report, documentary, biography, social history, scientific treatise. And all of it so wonderfully readable.” —Paul Hendrickson, author of Hemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost

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