The New Penguin Russian CourseIntroduction
1. Learning to Read RussianAlphabet and Pronunciation; Transliteration; Street Signs
2. Russian Handwriting; More on Pronunciation
3. Everyday Phrases; Basic Grammar
Naming Things; Basic Grammar; Gender; Map of Russia
4. Doing Things - Verbs; Personal Pronouns
Present Tense; Conjugations; Word Stress; Nouns and Cases; Conversation in the Metro
5. Asking Questions; The Prepositional Case
Indeclinable Nouns; Dialogues
6. Possession; Going Places; The Accusative Case
Russian Personal Names; Dialogues
7. Describing Things: Adjectives
Masculine, Feminine and Neuter Adjectives; "What kind of...?"; "This" and "That"; Prepositional and Accusative Cases of Adjectives; Adverbs; Moscow Street Map
8. Plurals; Spelling Rules; Buying Things
Spelling Rule 1; "Is There...?"; Spelling Rule 2; Map of Europe
9. Numbers; The Genitive Case
1-5,000; Genitive Singular and Plural; Quantities; Roubles and Dollars; Buying Things; Street Market
10. "To Have"; More on the Genitive
Genitive Pronouns; "There Isn't"; Prepositions Taking the Genitive; Genitive of Adjectives; "Whether"; Dialogues
11. The Past; Reflexive Verbs
The Founding of St. Petersburg
12. The Future; Aspect; The Dative Case
Imperfective and Perfective; "To Want"; Dative; "To Give"; "To Please"; Spelling Rules 3 and 4; Prepositional Plural; In the Restaurant; Visiting Friends
13. Aspect in the Past; Use of Tenses
Aspect of the Infinitive; Reported Speech; More about "Whether"; Dialogue
14. Aspect in the Future; Impersonal Constructions
15. Requests and the Imperative
Summary of Aspect Use; Two Lost Tourists; Phoning a Bureaucrat
16. The Instrumental Case
TOT and TÓT; Declension of Surnames; A Family at Home; Volodia and the KGB
17. Time, Date, Age; Ordinal Numbers
Months; Years; The Daily Life of Chaikovskii (Tchaikovsky)
18. The Comparative; Superlatives; Relative Clauses with
("Who," "Which"); Victor Wants to Meet Mary; Siberian Superlatives; Map of Siberia
19. The Conditional; Obligation; Prefixes
Mary Seeks an Absent-Minded Professor
20. Verbs of Motion: Going, Running, Bringing
Travelling Around; Tania in Motion
21. Possession; Purpose
Mr. Thornwaite Doesn't Like His Hotel; Was Turgenev a Revolutionary?
22. Fun with Numbers
Declension of Numbers; "Both"; Collective Numerals; Fractions; Soviet Divorce Statistics
23. Time Expressions
"When?"; "How Long?"; Vadim and Eva; Mr. Kuznetsov and Mr. Pope
24. Negation; Place of He
Nothing, Nobody, Never; A Pineapple, but No Bananas
25. Diminutives; Proper Names; Politeness
"The Fox and the Rolling-Pin"
26. Indefinite Pronouns; Word Order; Writing Letters
A Letter to Mrs. Pope
27. Participles: Types and Stress
A Classic Film
28. Verbal Adverbs
Peter the Great; A Recipe for Mushroom Solianka
29. "Bookish" Style; Active Participles; Punctuation; Short-Form Adjectives
Vladivostok; The Winter Palace
30. Abbreviations; Names of Russian Letters; Particles
A Complete Chekhov Story; Fat and Thin
Grammatical Tables
The Four Spelling Rules
Russian-English Vocabulary
English-Russian Vocabulary
Key to Exercises and Translation of Texts
Glossary of Grammatical Terms