The Secret Explorers and the Sunken Treasure

Author SJ King
Read by Aysha Kala
Audiobook Download
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On sale Jul 04, 2023 | 1 Hour and 9 Minutes | 978-0-7440-8702-4
| Grades 2-4
Learn about sharks and pirates in this ocean themed instalment of DK Books' new educational fiction series for children.

Meet the Secret Explorers - a band of brainiac kids from all around the world. Everyone in this diverse group of young experts has a specialty, from outer space to dinosaurs, and each story follows a character who gets chosen for a "secret exploration". In this fun, fact-filled instalment, Connor the marine expert and Kiki the engineer goes off in search of pirate treasure but find their plans must change when they encounter a basking shark that's in need of their help. Can the Secret Explorers find the treasure as well as rescue the shark? Only time will tell!

Let's explore!

With a gripping narrative that keeps kids engaged, The Secret Explorers 13 by SJ King is the perfect book for children who are into all thing's nature. It's written for children aged 7-9 years, with lots of information about ocean life, pirates, and sharks.

At the end of this fictional book, you'll find "Connor's Mission Notes" which is a summary of the scientific facts and discoveries made throughout the story. With fun quizzes, and a glossary, the educational value of this book is outstanding and great for a classroom read!

© 2023 S J King © 2023 DK Audio
SJ King is the author of the Secret Explorers and Timekeepers series. King loves museums, libraries, and building machines from scrap. King can usually be found exploring—from investigating tiny bugs, to trekking up enormous mountains. View titles by SJ King


Learn about sharks and pirates in this ocean themed instalment of DK Books' new educational fiction series for children.

Meet the Secret Explorers - a band of brainiac kids from all around the world. Everyone in this diverse group of young experts has a specialty, from outer space to dinosaurs, and each story follows a character who gets chosen for a "secret exploration". In this fun, fact-filled instalment, Connor the marine expert and Kiki the engineer goes off in search of pirate treasure but find their plans must change when they encounter a basking shark that's in need of their help. Can the Secret Explorers find the treasure as well as rescue the shark? Only time will tell!

Let's explore!

With a gripping narrative that keeps kids engaged, The Secret Explorers 13 by SJ King is the perfect book for children who are into all thing's nature. It's written for children aged 7-9 years, with lots of information about ocean life, pirates, and sharks.

At the end of this fictional book, you'll find "Connor's Mission Notes" which is a summary of the scientific facts and discoveries made throughout the story. With fun quizzes, and a glossary, the educational value of this book is outstanding and great for a classroom read!

© 2023 S J King © 2023 DK Audio


SJ King is the author of the Secret Explorers and Timekeepers series. King loves museums, libraries, and building machines from scrap. King can usually be found exploring—from investigating tiny bugs, to trekking up enormous mountains. View titles by SJ King

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