Now on Netflix: The Film Adaptation of Jennifer Clement’s Prayers for the Stolen

By Allan Spencer | November 29 2021 | English Language ArtsHigh School

Inspired by Jennifer Clement’s novel of the same name, Prayers for the Stolen is a new film available on Netflix and is Mexico’s official submission for International Feature Film at the 94th Academy Awards. Watch the official trailer:


An illuminating and affecting portrait of women in rural Mexico, and a stunning exploration of the hidden consequences of an unjust war, Jennifer Clement’s novel is an unforgettable story of friendship, family, and determination. It follows Ladydi Garcia Martínez, a fierce, funny, and smart young woman in the mountains of Guerrero, Mexico. Here in the shadow of the drug war, bodies turn up on the outskirts of the village to be taken back to the earth by scorpions and snakes. While her mother waits in vain for her husband’s return, Ladydi and her friends dream of a future that holds more promise than mere survival, finding humor, solidarity, and fun in the face of so much tragedy. Despite the odds against her, this spirited heroine’s resilience and resolve bring hope to otherwise heartbreaking conditions.

Selected for common reading at:
$16.00 US
Nov 04, 2014
240 Pages