An Interview with Anna Adams, Author of A French Girl in New York

By Kaitlyn Spotts | October 16 2024 | English Language ArtsGeneralHigh School

What inspired you to write A French Girl in New York? Was there a particular moment or experience that sparked the idea for this story?

Anna Adams: I had such a great time writing A French Girl in New York!  This novel was inspired by so many things, but mostly my passion for music and all the wonderful different cultures that I grew up with.


The book follows Maude, a French girl who finds herself in the bustling world of New York City. What drew you to set your story in these two vastly different places?

Anna Adams: As a child, I grew up between France and the United States. It was such an awesome experience! These two countries shaped the person that I’ve become. It felt impossible for me to speak about one without the other.


Maude’s passion for music plays a central role in the story. What kind of research or personal experience did you draw from to create such an authentic musical journey for her?

Anna Adams: Music has always been an important part of my life starting from childhood. When I began writing A French Girl in New York as a teen, I was learning to play the piano myself and that’s why piano is Maude’s main instrument.

I also constantly listen to different types of music and I wanted readers to discover more about opera music, pop music, and music from different parts of the world.


How did you balance the themes of self-discovery, love, and ambition in Maude’s story? Was it difficult to portray a young girl navigating both her dreams and personal relationships?

Anna Adams: To balance all these themes, I thought about how they are actually all related. Learning about yourself is also learning to love yourself. Figuring out who you are will definitely help you figure out the things you want most in life and how to chase your dreams.

Portraying a girl who balances both her dreams and personal relationships was really interesting because society often tells girls that following their dreams is less important than entertaining personal relations.

I believe that one is as important as the other.


Which character in A French Girl in New York do you relate to the most, and why?

Anna Adams: Maude Laurent, the main character, definitely embodies so many of the things that I love and the different cultures that I grew up in.


New York City has a vibrant, almost magical quality in your book. How important was the city itself as a character in Maude’s story?

Anna Adams: New York City does play a huge part in Maude’s life. The city is a link to every major theme in the book: Maude’s quest to find out who her father is, her Nigerian background, her learning about different types of music and her falling in love.


One of the major themes in the book is the idea of finding one’s voice. What do you hope readers take away from Maude’s journey in terms of self-expression?

Anna Adams: I really hope readers understand that it’s okay to explore different paths before finding their own voice.


YA readers often look for characters they can relate to. How did you ensure Maude’s personal growth and romantic experiences felt authentic to a teenage audience?

Anna Adams: I started writing A French Girl in New York when I was sixteen so that definitely helped a lot!


Being a high school student yourself when you started writing this, how do you think current high school teachers could potentially use your book in the classroom? 

Anna Adams: There are many fun ways high school teachers could use this book in their classroom. First, through the character’s love of opera, teachers could use this story as a way to make their students learn more about classical music. Also, this novel can be a great book club read: in fact we have an awesome free Book Club Kit that can help with discussion questions, fun recipes,  bookmarks, and so much more.

Teachers can also use this novel to help their students discover more about two major cities: Paris and NYC. This novel is also generally an entertaining way to learn more about French and Nigerian cultures. It’s a great story to get students reading!


Do you have a favorite scene in the book, one that was especially fun or challenging to write?

Anna Adams: One of my favorite scenes in the book takes place at a Nigerian wedding. I had so much fun writing that  and portraying such a rich culture in a beautiful and fun manner.


How does A French Girl in New York reflect your personal experiences?

Anna Adams: It definitely does! I was able to draw from my experiences of growing up between different countries and balancing all the different cultures that shaped my childhood.


Are there any authors or books that have particularly inspired you as a writer?

Anna Adams: I was greatly inspired by LM Montgomery’s incomparable Anne of Green Gables. It’s one of my all-time favorite books.


What can readers expect from you next?

Anna Adams: I’ll continue writing about Maude’s adventures in book 2, of course 🙂


Check out the book club kit for A French Girl in New York


Anna Adams is a French-American lawyer-turned-author. Born in France, raised partly in the United States and in France, Anna grew up loving stories in French and English. She currently lives in the beautiful city of Paris. And when not in France, Anna enjoys writing in libraries all over the world. A French Girl in New York is her first novel.

From debut author Anna Adams, this delightful YA romcom is all about finding yourself, your family, and perfect harmony in the big city.
$12.99 US
Oct 15, 2024
312 Pages
Wattpad Books