All reading communities should contain protected time for the sake of reading. Independent reading practices emphasize the process of making meaning through reading, not an end product. The school culture (teachers, administration, etc.) should affirm this daily practice time as inherently important instructional time for all readers.
(NCTE, 2019)
The Penguin Random House High School Collections gives educators the opportunity to go beyond the literary canon to incorporate a wide range of texts that represent different experiences, characters, and cultures we have in our schools. Unifying themes including belonging, identity, and resiliency also allows teachers to make connections to current curricula.
Literacy is not just the ability to read, but a means of access. Access to liberty, access to empowerment, and access to worlds and futures we sometimes cannot imagine for ourselves. This idea of access is what guided much of our thinking when putting together this collection of texts.
(Ronell Whitaker, ELA & LRC Curriculum Director & Co-Creator, PRH High School Collections)
It is vital that educators provide time for students to freely select and read books of high interest, focus on fostering and affirming students’ reader identities, and include a large selection of fiction and nonfiction stories, and graphic novels at varying levels.
It’s a simple equation, access plus reading choice will:
increase overall engagement
improve academic performance
build lifelong readers and learners
better prepare students to participate in an everchanging and demanding world
These sixteen empowering text Collections and the included comprehensive Educator Handbook provide teachers with the books and resources to diversify and enrich reading environments for all students.
Each Grade-Level Collection includes:
45 Fiction and Nonfiction Books (fifteen titles – three copies each) allow students to read the same text, but even students who read different titles can still connect with one another and share their collective reading experiences.
Educator Handbook provides pedagogical resources to help educators incorporate the themes into their curriculum/ELA block including suggested activities, thematic connections, and essential questions.
Contact us to learn how the PRH Education High School Collections can support a reading culture and create a trajectory of success for students at all levels. The High School Collections are also available through your preferred education wholesalers and independent bookstores.
To learn more about the PRH High School Collections for Grade 9 – 12 download the brochure below.
To explore the collections and resources, download a sample of the PRH High School Collections Educator Handbooks for Grade 9 – 10 and Grade 11 – 12 below. 
Please connect with our PRH Pre-K 12 sales team should you have any questions about the PRH High School Collections or our other Classroom Libraries or would like information on ordering. The PRH Education High School Collections are also available through your preferred education wholesalers. A list can also be found on our FAQ page under the Ordering section.
Penguin Random House Education High School Collections – Grade 9
The Magic Within Us: Analyzing Identity and Power through Science Fiction & Fantasy
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Blast from the Past: Bringing History Alive through Fiction and Nonfiction
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Read the Movie: The Book Was Better
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Who Am I?: Discovering Identity through Graphic Novels
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Penguin Random House Education High School Collections – Grade 10
We Are Here: Overcoming Barriers to Belonging
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Student Activism: The Power of Using Your Voice
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Scene of the Crime: Solving Mysteries & Finding Ourselves
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In the Real World: Memoirs & Creative Nonfiction
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Penguin Random House Education High School Collections – Grade 11
Me vs. Who You See: Unpacking Society Through Memoir and Personal Stories
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Good Trouble: Challenging Social Norms and Disrupting the Status Quo
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Must Be Love on the Brain: Exploring Healthy Relationships
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American Mosaic: Different Perspectives on the American Identity
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Penguin Random House Education High School Collections – Grade 12
Searching for Home: An Exploration of Places We Call Home
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Amplifying the Voices of the Global Majority: The Danger of the Single Story
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Great Power & Great Responsibility: The Diverse Hero’s Journey
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Perspectives, Voices, and Points of View: Graphic Novel Stories from Around the World
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Meet the Educator-Creators
Lorena Germán is a nationally awarded middle and high school anti-bias and anti-racist educator and co-founder of #DisruptTexts and Multicultural Classroom.
Cicely Lewis is an educator, librarian, and author. Her award-winning Read Woke challenge won the MAE Award for Best Literature Program for Teens and she was named the 2020 School Library Journal Librarian of the Year. She is also a PRH Teacher Awards for Literacy recipient.
Morgan Taylor has been teaching secondary English for ten years and currently works as an instructional coach in Los Angeles, CA. She also cofounded Little Classroom Library, a grassroots organization that works to help public school teachers create their own classroom libraries and independent reading initiatives.
Julia E. Torres is a librarian and veteran language arts teacher in Denver, Colorado. She was a 2020 Library Journal Mover and Shaker and recipient of the Colorado NCTE Affiliate’s 2020 Secondary Educator of Excellence Award.